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发布时间:2011-10-19 访问次数:2949
Effective anterior intrusion with using ISW
Yosuke HORIUCHI, Zuisei KANNO and Kunimichi SOMA (Orthodontic Science, Graduate School, Tokyo dental and Medical University)
Improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire (ISW) has been widely in clinical practice for treatment of malocclusion in our department. ISW has some special properties such as: higher stabled super-elasticity upon intra-oral temperature changes, shock and vibration absorbance. Because of these properties, it is possible to deliver controlled light continuous orthodontic force to achieve effective tooth movement. Therefore utilizing ISW can be useful technique to achieve smooth vertical bite control regarding to open and deepbite cases. In this presentation, we focused on maxillary protrusion with deep overbite cases
Generally, correction of anterior deep overbite depends on anterior intrusion. In order to avoid root resorption caused by intrusion of anterior teeth, usually complex loop mechanics is needed. Recently, the usage of implants to improve anchorage is increasing, but surgical invasion is inevitable. To avoid complex and invasive procedures mentioned above, using ISW combined with J-hook headgear could achieve effective anterior intrusion with no clinical root resorption.
译文如下—陈彦朋医师 翻译/ 余建宏医师 指导
改良型超弹性钛镍合金线(ISW) (注: 商品名:LH) 在我们部门(国立东京医科齿科大学齿颚矫正科)已经广泛运用在治疗不正咬合的临床工作上。ISW具有一些特殊的性质例如:在口内温度变化下的较佳的热稳定性震荡吸收。因为具有这些特性使得给予牙齿轻而持续的矫正力量以达到有效率的牙齿移动成为可能。因而运用ISW在开咬及深咬等需要垂直控制等病例,是十分有效的技术。此次报告我们将针对上颚前突合并深咬的病例加以探讨。